Even if the police establish Babul's involvement in the murder, they cannot force him to resign using it as a bargaining weapon. The police do not have such jurisdiction and any such action is unlawful. Babul's fate must be decided by the court. If found guilty and convicted, he will automatically be unfit to hold his job in the police force. If there is any action the police can take before the conclusion of the trial, once Babul is accused of the crime, it can suspend him through a departmental action on the condition that he would remain suspended until he is cleared from the charges. But by putting pressure on him to quit the job, some police officers have taken the law in their hands. They made the law subject to their will. This is completely against the spirit of the rule of law. Police officers who have unlawfully pressurised Babul should face departmental action for breaching the discipline. Until yesterday, Babul was not made accused in the case filed in connection...